Monday, October 15, 2018

The CANVAS and Poor Khan

The incorporation of technology in the educational field, students and teachers interact with each other via online forums, threaded discussions, video conferencing and emails. When all of these features are combined together on one platform, functions like course documentation, class administration, students ‘evaluation, the Learning Management System (LMS) provides that portal to the educators and learners. Among many LMS used in the education field, CANVAS stands quite tall with its robust features for both ends of learning era. For educators, CANVAS LMS offers a platform with which they can create the learning environment they want for their learners. Teachers can offer feedback, merge videos, blogs, wikis, and other channels of education while watching their students’ progress. Whereas for the students, CANVAS LMS helps them to obtain notifications, submit paperwork, and interact with the learning materials given to them on the gadgets they use. They can also combine their CANVAS LMS account with their social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter.
Creating a course on the CANVAS was easier than I thought. From the beginning of this class, our professor Dr. Robin gave us very clear instructions on how to set up an account with CANVAS and create a class. After developing the contents of Module-1, I could upload and publish them to my CANVAS class, but I have not been able to view it in the student view. I guess I need to read more instructions on this feature of CANVAS. Presently I am working on developing the rest of the modules and things are going well. I do have an issue though, CANVAS does not seem to have a quiz/test builder. If that feature was included, then this LMS would have been second to none in the market.

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